Rafael Benitez

As this matter is complex and there is a full file of documents that clearly indicate my position from the time of my appointment to Seanad Éireann up to the present day, I am most respectfully requesting that I be afforded the opportunity to go before the Select Committee on Members' Interests and submit myself to their investigation into this matter and their assessment of any wrong-doing, if any

Fianna Fáil Senator Ivor Callely addresses the Seanad about his expenses controversy

It is such a cute hoor stroke, like something Pat Shortt would have dreamed up. I felt he was arrogantly thumbing his nose at the rest of us as if nobody knows whether he lived in Clontarf or west Cork

John Mulligan, from Boyle, Co Roscommon, who made a complaint to the gardaí about Senator Ivor Callely

My officers and I are absolutely determined to get to the bottom of why this happened. However, it may not be possible to establish all the answers because we cannot speak to Derrick Bird

Det Chief Supt Iain Goulding, investigating why the taxi-driver gunned down 12 people in a shooting rampage in Britain

The guy was so quiet and nice. To work alongside him and talk to him, you would never think he could do something like this

Corkman John Coughlan who worked with Bird before we went on his shooting spree

To my mind it is an act of piracy – a terrorist act in international waters on a flotilla of people involved in a peaceful humanitarian aid mission to Gaza

Irishman Shane Dillon who was on board on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla when Israeli commandos stormed the fleet

These people did not enter Israel illegally. They were essentially kidnapped from international waters, taken into Israel, and asked to sign documents confirming that they entered illegally. That is unacceptable

Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin on the actions of Israeli commandos in international waters

It's a veneer, it's a charade and it's a whitewash and I will not stand for it

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny objects to the government's plans for Dáil business this week

I have no words to thank you enough for all these years and I am very proud to say that I was your manager. Thank you so much once more and always remember: You'll never walk alone

Liverpool FC manager Rafael Benítez makes a statement to the club's fans before leaving the club after six years