I was so incensed when I finished reading John Downes' report (23 May) regarding Monsignor Leonard O Brien's words in his parish newsletter, that I felt compelled to pick up my pen. Sadly, however, I was not that surprised. Mgr O'Brien's attitude towards "lapsed Catholics" and women, typifies the arrogance evident in recent times within what he calls, "the church that Jesus founded". Has Mgr O'Brien forgotten why these Catholics he refers to left the church?

If his attack on "lapsed Catholics" who return to their parish for elaborate funeral services was alluding to the funeral of Gerry Ryan, as was suggested, Mgr O'Brien ought to remember that the church belongs to the people. Gerry Ryan, and anyone else for that matter, surely has the right to be buried according to his wishes and his religious beliefs. The Catholic church has said it is afraid people are turning away from God. They don't seem to realise that the institution can't hijack God. Their job is to act as God's servants and they have failed in this.

As for the Monsignor's attack on women writers whom he likens to "reptiles" with a "venomous bite", perhaps he might consider the fact the females of most species are very protective of their young. The Catholic church is culpable of destroying the lives of countless children, a fact that it can't seem to comprehend. I think it's time for the "loose association of believers" he scorns, along with the many genuinely compassionate clergy, to stand together and take Christ back from these arrogant men.

Elaine Leddy,


Co Down