The radical views of Solicitor General Elena Kagan, recently chosen by US president Barack Obama as a Supreme Court justice, could have dire implications for traditional marriage in America should her nomination be approved.

Kagan previously supported lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights by opposing the presence of military recruiters on Harvard law school's campus. She called the military's 'don't ask, don't tell' (if you are gay) policy "profoundly wrong" and a "moral outrage" of the "first order".

Kagan is also a supporter of taxpayer-funded abortion and has criticised Rust vs Sullivan, a case which upheld federal regulation that prohibited federal Title X funds from being used for abortion.

Kagan has never served as a judge. She militantly believes judges should create the law rather than impartially interpret it. Her proclivity to anti-family social engineering will help bring Christian America to its moral knees.

Since Obama has become president he has effectively transformed America from a parliamentary democracy governed by law into a judicial tyranny governed by the preferences and prejudices of a fraternity of socialist lawyers.

Neil Jones,

438 South Great Georges Street,

Dublin 2