Somebody's f***ed up
Andy Gray on the decision to appoint 25-year-old woman, Sian Massey, as linesman in the Wolves vs Liverpool match
I'm all for women refereeing in football, discrimination should not happen in our game at all… prehistoric if you think otherwise
England Captain Rio Ferdinand tweets support for Massey
Policies have to be costed. We can't make promises that are not costed anymore. Politicians have to respect the fact that this country is under fiscal discipline now. We can't just promise money we don't have
Finance Minister Brian Lenihan learns how to do the job at last
Outside here [Leinster House] this happens every day because people come along to try and get themselves on TV and radio. There is an anger out there, there's no doubt
Former taoiseach Bertie Ahern responds to Councillor Joan Collins's protest, heard on live radio, about the higher taxes and levies people have to pay as a result of failed Fianna fÁil policies, sparking national outrage
Deputy Higgins… or what do we call you? What do we call you… your MEPship, deputy, deputy… you used to be called Joe
Labour finance spokeswoman Joan Burton interrupts Joe Higgins (again) on TV3's 'Tonight with Vincent Browne'
As somebody much older than her [Elaine Byrne, TCD lecturer and 'Irish Times' columnist who wrote that politics, like sex, should be left to the young], I hope her sex urge lasts until she is older; it would be too bad if there came an age when she would be told that she had to stop. My goodness, we would be living in Gestapo country in that case