a New Irish website, HistoryEx.com, claims to reveal the truth about your lover, warts and all. The website allows users to profile all their experiences with their ex – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Users simply have to put in the last five digits of the poor unfortunate's number to find out their previous forays.
But the website has been attacked by other dating sites claiming it is "nothing but a forum for bullying".
Jill McGrath of dating site MaybeFriends.com believes the site to be unfair. "With this site you are only reading one side of the story and we are all aware of the adage 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'.
"If you meet their friends, work colleagues or family, then generally you can get a good idea of what someone is like.
"Use your common sense when deciding on whether or not someone is right for you, not a site that is built specifically to criticise someone with no right to reply or checking on the truthfulness of the allegation."
According to a spokeswoman for HistoryEx: "This website aims to give users an idea of their love interest's personality and their general dating history. All details are posted in a tasteful way."
HistoryEx.com manager Derek Blighe has defended the website, which was designed and created in Ireland.
"It is not malicious in any way. Think of all the uses it could have, how many false names are given out with mobile numbers in clubs and bars around the world every week and how many multiple partners a person could have otherwise.
"If everyone did one review today, think of all the cheating that could be stopped. It makes dating easy and break-ups fun," said Blighe.
The site has had over 70,000 hits since it launched three months ago and has over 700 members at present.
Jill McGrath would say that! Obvious competition.