Dolphin's Barn: major clampdown forced dealers out mark condren

Drug dealers involved in intimidating locals in Dolphin's Barn in Dublin have moved their operation less than a mile away to a separate garda district.

Four dealers had been running an extensive dealing operation with several street pushers in the Dolphin House local authority flat complex, and began to target locals who had opposed them in a violent campaign in May.

Following a major clampdown by gardaí, the dealers were forced to curtail their activities. But in the past two weeks, it has emerged that the same drug dealers are now operating in the Seagull House area on Rutland Avenue in Crumlin, less than a mile from Dolphin House.

"These guys are pretty smart," a garda source said. "Gardaí at Kevin Street had successfully clamped down on their activities in Dolphin House and seized drugs as well as making several arrests. But now they've [the drug dealers] moved up the road and into a different garda district. It's Crumlin and Sundrive Road gardaí who'll be investigating now."

The garda added that there would be cooperation between the districts and a sharing of intelligence.

The intimidation in Dolphin House began when drug dealers targeted the local community after the erection of a wall at the back of the housing complex which stopped addicts coming in.

Tyres were slashed and acid poured over vehicles following a community meeting opposing drug dealing in the area.

Dealers are also believed to have made a bomb scare threat outside a community centre in Dolphin's Barn a few days earlier.