A section of an inquiry into the death of Terence Wheelock has been censored from the published version of the report.

The redacted pages detail allegations of a serious assault in a garda district which had previously been the subject of a separate investigation by the Garda Complaints Board.

The four pages, which outline evidence of a violent attack on a man arrested on the same street as Terence Wheelock, have inexplicably been removed from the version made available to journalists and the public.

They were only included in the version of the report which was given to Terence Wheelock's family and the garda commissioner, a copy of which has been obtained by the Sunday Tribune.

In an official statement from the Ombudsman Commission, it says "edits" to reports may be necessary if they would prejudice a case, jeopardise a person's safety or were not in the "public interest".

The report says: "Mr X's complaint related to an alleged assault by gardaí at Sean O'Casey Avenue. Mr X stated that as a result of the assault he lost consciousness and woke up on the floor of the public office of Fitzgibbon Street Garda [station] where he was being kicked by gardaí.

"He alleged that the gardai who were assaulting him tried to open his arms to enable them to re-open a stab wound that he had suffered some weeks previously.

"He stated that when they failed to do this the gardaí turned him over and pulled down his trousers, that he kept his legs crossed and that he was struck between 10 and 15 times on the tailbone. He stated that the bottom of his back, his arms and his eyes were covered in bruises."

Documents obtained from the Garda Complaints Board from October 2005 reveal that a file on the matter was prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions, who directed no prosecution.

However, the report explained that a number of gardaí had been disciplined as a result of the assault.