I LIVE between New York and my cottage/studio in Ballyduff, Co Waterford. I bought it as a wreck a few years back and refurbished with the intention of dividing my time 50/50 between the US and Ireland but it hasn't quite worked out as planned. Over the past year, I've spent very little time in Ireland as I've been working on U2's How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb world tour, making the video content for the show. Before I started work on the tour, my Sundays were lovely and relaxing, now I feel as if I haven't had a proper Sunday in months so I'm hoping to make up for it by squeezing a year's worth of Sundays into the next couple of weeks in Ballyduff as I'm planning to stay put there until the end of January.

In New York, I live on the Upper West Side and Sunday would typically start with a fast walk along by the river or through Central Park. If I feel the need of something spiritual, there's a French Haitian church around the corner from my apartment and there is a beautiful sung mass at midday. I don't go every week, just when I want some time for meditation. I usually meet up with a gang of friends for brunch either on the Upper West Side . . . maybe at Fiorello's in the Lincoln Center or Sarabeth's. Irish friends who might be there would include the actor Brian O'Byrne and club owner Robbie Wootton, who are both based in New York.

I have a fondness for eggs Benedict but limit my indulgence to once a week.

After brunch, I'd usually go for a wander around the flea markets at 39th Street and 10th Avenue or on the Upper West Side. I'm always on the lookout for old linens and interesting pieces of '50s' furniture. I like to check out the galleries too . . .Sunday is a big gallery day in New York and Chelsea is where the most interesting galleries are clustered . . . my favourites are Jamie Cohen and Lehman Maupin.

Sunday evenings are quiet . . .sometimes I might go to a movie but that's about the most active I'd get. I might just potter around at home, getting chores done.

Those easy Sundays are a bit of a distant memory now.

At the beginning of the year I started preparing the video content for the tour and I've been updating it all year, making new pieces which get uploaded onto a server and then downloaded at the other end and popped into the show by Smasher who is U2's technical guru.

I've just directed the video for U2's 'Original of the Species' which will be released as a single early in 2006. It's a CGI motion capture video and we've had six weeks to turn around a project that should have taken three months. It's been a huge challenge and very exciting but I'm certainly in need of a few weeks at Ballyduff pace . . . I'll be sitting here just watching the river go by, catching up on my reading, doing a bit of cooking and hoping to ignore the emails.