Leroy Dumbrell (right): 'a violent and dangerous individual'

VIOLENT prisoner Leroy Dumbrell – whose return to Mountjoy last week sparked a wildcat strike by prison officers – has been disciplined internally over 75 times for violent and dangerous behaviour since his incarceration.

The Sunday Tribune understands Dumbrell (24), from Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin, has caused continuous problems for prison staff and inmates since he was imprisoned in 2003.

He has received more than 75 'P19' reports from the prison authorities. These reports are issued when disciplinary action is taken against an inmate for serious misbehavior.

Dumbrell has been disciplined for acts of violence and fighting, incitement to cause a riot, emptying his chamber pot on the prison landing, being caught in possession of drugs and of being in possession of mobile phones.

"You name the rule and Leo Dumbrell has broken it," said a prison source. "He's a violent and dangerous individual."

Dumbrell is serving an eight-year sentence for an unprovoked attack on a man walking his dog. The assault resulted in the victim losing the sight in one of his eyes.

Dumbrell had been previously held in Mountjoy but was transferred to Castlerea Prison after allegedly being involved in a near-riot in which eight prisoners and four officers were injured in December last year.

Last week, the High Court ruled the 24-year-old had been held in unlawful solitary confinement at Castlerea for more than five months. Justice John Hedigan said Dumbrell should be detained in accordance with prison rules and said it was not acceptable to keep him in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day.

As a result of the ruling, Dumbrell was returned to Mountjoy yesterday morning and placed in the separation unit under protection. This led to unofficial industrial action by members of the Prison Officers Association (POA) on Tuesday. Talks are now ongoing between governor Ned Whelan and the POA.