It was with a feeling of mounting incredulity that I read Patrick Freyne's interview with Brendan O'Connor in last week's Sunday Tribune (T2, 24 January). I can't be the only one who stopped buying the Sunday Independent precisely to avoid O'Connor's drivel being foisted on me on a Sunday morning. Please don't tell me I have to stop buying the Sunday Tribune as well!

Apparently Brendan got it wrong back in 2007 when telling us that the smart guys were buying property because he was "trying to think originally and make my own judgements". This must be the same original thinking that landed him in hot water when he insinuated Alan Shatter was part of some "unholy alliance" against Bertie Ahern, that Bertie was a "flawed masterpiece" (presumably he meant more flawed than masterpiece), that Michael Fingleton was more sinned against than sinner – I could go on and on. In fact Brendan's thinking was so original that most of his colleagues in the Sindo seemed to share his views at the time. But as he says himself, "it's easy to be part of the consensus".

Personable he may be, but a journalist to be taken seriously he most assuredly isn't. In the middle of the next boom, when we need another vacuous cheerleader for the type of gombeen-style politics and governance that have helped bankrupt the country (both morally and financially), we can wheel Brendan back out again. Until then, please leave him in his box.

Rory Quinn,

Ennis, Co Clare