Australia - Qantas flies mended A380 jets

A Qantas A380 passenger jet took off yesterday in its first flight since one of the planes suffered an engine explosion earlier this month.

The A380 left Sydney for Singapore, and then London, three weeks after the Australian airline grounded its flights following the incident. Qantas said the aircraft had undergone extensive work and were safe to fly.

Ghana - Accra bans used underwear sales

Market traders in Ghana will be banned from selling secondhand underwear from next February, trade regulators say. According to the Ghana Standards Board, used pants ? and other secondhand goods like handkerchiefs and mattresses ? are unhygienic and could pose a health hazard.

South Africa - Lightning bolt kills seven

A lightning strike in a remote area of eastern South Africa has killed seven people attending an end-of-year meeting for nursery schools. A four-year-old child was among those killed.

USA - Obama stitched up after ball game

US president Barack Obama received 12 stitches in his lip after being elbowed during a basketball game. Obama was given the stitches in the doctor's office of the White House.