GREEN party chairman Dan Boyle launched a scathing attack on some bankers in his address to the party's convention yesterday and called for them to be jailed.

Pointing out that he had coined the phrase "economic treason", Boyle said: "There can be no holding back in describing the treachery that their actions have brought about in shaming this country and undermining our economic well being. The anger of the Irish people at the actions of these individuals is more than justified. That anger can only be lessened when we put aside the previous reluctance to punish white-collar crime in this country. Only when people are prosecuted for these actions, and people are imprisoned for the result of such actions, can we begin to believe that we are progressing as a nation."

Elsewhere, communications minister Eamon Ryan outlined the New Green Deal proposal to create 10,000 jobs. This Europe-wide stimulus programme will see €500bn made available from public and private sources with the aim of creating five million jobs across the EU.

"The Greens in government are working to create jobs, to stimulate the economy and restore confidence," he said.

Food minister Trevor Sargent said the government has to "see an end to predatory pricing where large, commercially motivated supermarket chains dictate the price the producer is paid".