TWO years after she fell to her death from a hotel window while on holiday in Turkey, the family of Irish nurse Mary Linnane faces further delays in their case against the hotel.

The Sunday Tribune has learned that a second defendant has been added to the charges by the prosecution.

Linnane, a 20-year-old nurse from Co Mayo, died after she fell from the fifth floor window of her hotel in Kusadasi.

Members of the Linnane family travelled to Turkey in June last year for the beginning of a legal action against the hotel owner.

However, the prosecution has now added the builder of the hotel to the charge, significantly delaying the pro­cess. The most recent hearing in the case was on 3 June last.

"There won't be a trial, there will be a written decision given," said the Linnanes' solicitor Fergus Gallagher.

"But now before they can give that there has been another application by the prosecution to bring in the builder."

Gallagher said that while Budget Travel – the company through which Linnane book­ed her holiday – had gone into liquidation, a separate civil action against it will still proceed once the criminal prosecutions have been completed.

After Linnane fell to her death, serious concerns emerged as to the quality of the window through which she fell, particularly in relation to the condition of the hinges.

The owner of the hotel, Vahap Donertaf, is facing a number of charges including voluntary manslaughter and faces a term in prison should he be found guilty.

Last summer, Linnane's parents Martin and Kathleen, together with her brother Brendan and sisters Sharon, Bernadette and Sarah, travelled to Turkey to appoint legal representation.