A Fine Gael senator has called for the regulation of 'cash-for-gold' shops amid fears that they are leading to an increase in burglaries.

John Paul Phelan and party colleague John Deasy will submit a private member's bill within the next fortnight calling for all shops to require ID from those who submit gold items.

"These shops are popping up just like pawnbrokers did in the 1980s," Phelan said. "But there is considerable doubt about where the jewellery coming in has been sent from.

"Gardaí I have talked to feel that this is becoming more of an issue."

Phelan said he was increasingly hearing reports from his constituents about burglaries in which only gold jewellery was stolen.

"In Carlow, Wexford and other parts of my constituency I am hearing more and more reports of break-ins and there is certainly an anecdotal rise in the number of people being broken into and finding that their gold jewellery has been stolen."

Currently, those with unwanted gold can send it to a number of outlets in the post without the requirement of a receipt or proof of ownership and receive a cheque in return in the post.

Under Phelan's proposals, all 'cash-for-gold' outlets would have to require ID from donors before jewellery could be accepted. Detailed records would be kept by shop owners.

"It is not only the public who want this introduced, it is the shop owners themselves," Phelan said.

"They have concerns about some of the things they receive and I have consulted with them extensively on the new proposed legislation."