Fingal county councillors with a taste for international travel will be asked to support a motion aimed at slashing the amounts they can spend on foreign "junkets" at a meeting of the council tomorrow.

If passed, the Labour Party motion would see a limit of €1,000 placed on the amount individual councillors can spend attending conferences related to their work.

The move follows previous disagreements among council members about whether the sums it spends on such conferences represent value for money.

Among the recent trips sanctioned by the council were attendance at a winter conference in Bermuda and a separate trip to Brazil.

Labour Party councilor Patrick Nulty, who has been among the most vocal critics of the foreign trips, put forward tomorrow's motion calling for the new spending limits to be introduced.

He told the Sunday Tribune that the new rules would decrease the annual travel entitlement for members from €3,500 to €1,000 if passed.

"I think most ordinary people looking at this would think €1,000 is more than enough," he said. "I'm hoping my fellow council members will support it."

"I think anyone who doesn't support it needs to have a good hard look at themselves – €1,000 is a very generous sum, and it is designed to get consensus, which I hope will be the case."

However, other senior members of the council have argued in the past that attendance at such conferences brought significant benefits to the work of the council, with the costs involved "minuscule" in the context of Fingal's overall budget.

According to a brochure circulated to council members earlier this year, for prospective attendees at the Airports Council International (ACI) meeting, participants in the Bermuda trip could expect to avail of the island's "breathtaking pink sand beaches and iridescent turquoise waters".

Council members also previously voted in favour of sending a delegation on an all-expenses-paid trip to Brazil, despite the fact that more than a third of members had called for the trip to be cancelled.