Protestors have held a vigil outside Strand Road police station in Derry to mark the first anniversary of the death of a dissident republican who was found hanging in a cell in the barracks.

The authorities claim John Brady killed himself but his family deny this and say his death, which is being investigated by the police ombudsman, was highly suspicious.

Brady (40), from Strabane, was on weekend parole from Maghaberry prison when he was arrested by police last October. His solicitor, John Finucane, had left him in the station's legal consultation room.

Finucane was gone 15 minutes. When he returned, he found his client hanging by his trainer laces from the window. Those taking part in the vigil carried black flags and 'Justice for John Brady' posters.

The family has been told the police ombudsman's report should be completed by the end of this month.

Brady's brother Ben said: "We have no faith in the ombudsman's investigation. We believe it will be a whitewash."

Ben Brady claimed the family has been harassed by the PSNI since his brother's death: "The police parked around the corner from the church where John's anniversary mass was being held. That was hardly sensitive. Later, three people who had come from Belfast for the mass were stopped and held at the side of the road as they made their way home."