Politics - New political party launched in Dublin

A new political party, An Chomhdháil Phobail – The People's Convention (CPPC), holds its Dublin launch meeting in the Gresham hotel at 8pm on Tuesday night. Its stated aim is to ensure that Dáil Éireann is composed of representatives of the people and not parties of vested interest.

Crime - Gardaí question two over man's death

GARDAÍ were continuing to question two people yesterday in connection with the killing of a man in Dublin. Last Thursday, the body of Adil Essalhi from Drumcondra was discovered in a field in Tyrellstown. Yesterday, a man in his late 30s and a 21-year-old woman were continuing to assist gardaí with their inquiries at Blanchardstown station.

Industrial Affairs - Port jobs in danger as ferry firm axes routes

UP to 60 jobs are under threat at Dublin Port after an announcement from a Dutch ferry company that it will close its routes to Dublin. DFDS said it was to cancel the services at the end of the month.

Crime - Suspect released over double murder

ONE of several people arrested in connection with a double murder in Limerick last week has been released without charge. The suspect was detained for questioning in relation to the killing of Des Kelly and Breda Waters. The 25-year-old woman was released on Friday. Six more suspects remained in custody.

Tribune Book Club - Reviews requested for 'One Day' only

Don't forget to enter your review of David Nicholls' One Day in the Sunday Tribune Book Club's competition. Submit your review, of no more than 100 words, to bookclub@tribune.ie, via tribune.ie or join 'Sunday Tribune Book Club' on Facebook. Winner of the best review will receive a €100 National Book Token.