Health minister Mary Harney accrued a bill of €735,000 for using the government jet over a period of just two-and-a-half years, putting her on the top of the ministerial expenses league, a Sunday Tribune investigation has revealed.
The former tánaiste made use of the government jet on 12 occasions between February 2006 and September 2008.
During this period she spent €65,000 on hotels and limousine hire according to a heavily edited and delayed Freedom of Information request from the Department of Health.
She travelled to Arizona in February 2006 on an official visit, accompanied by her husband Brian Geoghegan and six civil servants, and attended the Super Bowl. Car hire for the trip cost €10,208 while accommodation for Harney and her husband cost the taxpayer €2,285.
Transport minister Noel Dempsey accumulated a bill of €70,000 during a 2007 St Patrick's Day trip to the US. Dempsey travelled to Houston, San Antonio and San Francisco with his wife Bernadette and three civil servants.
First and business class flights for the minister and his wife cost €8,139 each, while limousine hire for the duration of the 10-day trip came to almost €20,000.
Green Party leader John Gormley had a chauffeur-driven car drive five hours from London to collect him from the Holyhead ferry, which he had taken in an environmentally friendly effort, and ran up a bill of €2,200 for two-day hire. The environment minister has also confirmed he made use of the by now notorious "airport transfers", where a car was dispatched from central London to pick him up at one terminal in Heathrow airport to drop him off at another one.
On a separate trip to London, in March last year, Gormley and his family travelled to England by ferry and rail, but then used a chauffeur-driven car for five days at a cost of £2,726.
Meanwhile, a single night's accommodation for former taoiseach Bertie Ahern at the exclusive Dorchester Hotel in London ended up costing the Irish taxpayer €2,400, while another one-night stay in Brussels cost €3,000.
On one controversial trade mission to India, Ahern and other officials from the Department of the Taoiseach dined at a banquet at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, which came to €28,704. Also on that trip were John O'Don-oghue, then minister for arts, sport and tourism, Mary Hanafin, who was education minister at the time, TD Donie Cassidy and about two dozen other people.
Ahern also charged taxpayers for a series of pay-per-view movies while he stayed in hotels in London, the USA and Finland.
Former Progressive Democrat TD Tom Parlon, now the boss of the Construction Industry Federation, claimed over €295,000 in expenses during the four-and-a-half years he was a junior minister at the Office of Public Works. Parlon claimed more than €82,000 in travel and subsistence during 2006 alone.
This compares to a total of just over €28,500 which his two successors at the OPW – Noel Ahern and Martin Mansergh – claimed between them for the whole of 2008.
At last the Irish media is doing what it is meant to do and exposing the corruption and hypocrisy of the political class. Why has it taken so long for this to happen, maybe disgust at the behaviour of certain members of the "establishment" in the face the current economic crisis, I don't know but it is welcome all the same. Who can now doubt that this government’s days are numbered when even Saint Gormley has been caught with his nose in the trough. How sickening must it be for people who are losing their jobs and facing cutbacks to know how the likes of Mary Harney has been completely unrestrained on spending on herself. No wonder they were all defending O’Donoghue. People were right to think that they were almost all at it, and the ones who caused the most damage were at it the most. Time for this gravy train to stop and dump the losers on board. Of course this is the way with selfish people, take,take,take. People have been fooled the past by the PDs and rightwing ideologues like Tom Parlon, it is all take,take with this people. What Ireland needs now is givers not takers.
Thank you Sunday Tribune on behalf of all decent people who expect the highest stanards of integrity from all members of the Oireachtas.Would you investigate those members of the Oireachtas who may have free travel passes and who may have used them to travel to work and claimed expenses in lieu of costs incurred.
So Harney cannot afford the Cervical Cancer Vaccine at a cost of 9 million euro,that would have prevented the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of young women...but we can afford close to a million to jet this lazy wastrel and her husband??around in a Lear jet over a two year period???
The more I read of the utter sense of entitlement people like her have the angrier I am becoming,this is animal farm and the public have had more then enough of these greedy pigs with their snouts in the trough of public finances,the waste that has been going on is quite simply criminal!
good work sunday tribune. berti was on late late on friday night as arrogant as ever.after the o donoghue scandal all i can say is may god speed you imf!
In a democracy, a country gets the Government it deserves.
I'm repeatedly told how politically astute the electorate is...... sorry...... years of revering stroke politics has got us where we are.....
If only the electorate could appreciate the difference between cuteness and intelligence!
Step it out Mary, my fine Minister
Step it out Mary if you would
Swanning around in a government jet
Isn't doing anyone any real good
Step it out Mary, my fine Minister
You're far too long a time in the Dail
All you're doing is incurring expenses
While no one's getting better at all
In fact the country's really dying
To get rid of you, the Greens & Fianna Fail
And by God, when we get the chance to
You'll all have an almighty fall
So, Step it out Mary, my fine Minister
You've done nothing for the country's health
Every new day that yous are still in power
The more this country's near its "Death"!
Go on, Mary, go on with you...no more shenanigans on that "Jet".
Do you think we're running a "Charity" for "Lazy Worthless Gits"?
PS. & that goes for the rest of yous.
You call yourselves a government?
Well I & the good people in this green land Certainly couldn't and certainly wouldn't!
The PD 'watchdogs' were as bad as the FFers they were going to 'keep an eye on'. We've been robbed blind by these shameless gombeens. They gorged themselves on our tax cheques while blowing up a bubble for their mates and wrecking our economy and society. Harney's colleagues wouldn't let her run their little 3rd rate right wing lobby group of a political party, but she has the audacity to think she can run our health service? Just like Parlon, I bet she's thinking of a career in the private health industry when the voters get a chance to boot her out. Her massive taxpayer funded pensions won't be enough to maintain her in the style she feels entitled to now.
these expenses revelations are driving me potty ,every week it seems im getting angrier and angrier every week.where does it end?im a labour voter and dispise this govt but im getting a sinking feeling this scandal carries over to the opposition parties ,goodness i hope im wrong.
Another thing that is annoying ,why there is so much expense for newspapers trying to get info under the F.O.I.? surely in a functioning democracy this should be easily accessable to the press and citizen and not at the quim of agovt minister who lets be honest should have no power to interfere with such requests or slow them down.
lets get to the bottom of this sleazy barrel expose the greed of some td's and for the love of God dont lets vot them in again.
charlie mcwilliam a scotsman in inchicore
Mary Harney makes me puke. We can see now why the other TDs were reluctant to throw stones at John O'D- it was obvious that there was many others who raped the system to squander millions of tax payers cash on "Wish You Were Here" champagne extravaganzas..
I also wish Bertie would feck off and climb into a black hole the size of NAMA- that man has commenced a PR campaign to be elected President- but yeah the silly pixies will probably vote him in- nothing surprises me anymore...
As For Mary Harney- She should be made pay back the wasted Lear jet money- give it to the Health Service...or else...
I wonder what Michael Collins would think of the Dail today- I'm sure He would not be amused by the traitors who continue to disgrace the name of Ireland...
This country is gas. This has been going on for years but none of us cared because we were all on the gravy train....but now we have run into bad times we all love to point the finger and the Dail boys and girls are first to get it. Why did the press not pick up on this 3 years ago?.....because they were enjoying the good times too. My God, the hatred in the above comments...unreal, the press are fueling it to sell papers and keep their jobs. It's dog eat dog at the moment. It's an awful country to live and work in right now. I am not a member of any party and don't think much of politicians. I am just sick of all the green eyed paddies not knowing who to hate or blame next for the mess that we are in. Maybe some of you should take a good look in the mirror!!
Now that Gordon Brown & other politician's of Britain's Parliament have to pay back expense's they've incurred...why shouldn't our gang of known crooks in the Dail not be made to do the same? It's time we the people demanded this of them...& not just vented our displeasure of same. After all, they're there on our trust...not there to spend the country's "Trust"!
Did Mary Harney use the jet to get her hair-do in Florida? I wouldn't be surprised. Not that it did anything for her!
Just to add to my comment above, both Labour & Tory Leader's have told their MP's this evening, that if they don't pay back their iffy expenses then they can get out of Parliament, if not voluntarily then they'll be expelled. But many back bench MP's are rebelling on all sides of the House and the only way I can end my comment is to say "Watch This Space".
PS. I want to thank the "Tribune" for their great work as regards our own government's "Spend, Spend, Spend, without a care TD's!
PPS. With sterling on nearly a par with the euro, why haven't the major store's here, aligned the prices we pay here. That's another "Crime of the Century" here to be investigated!
I have rarely been partisan in politics but I have become incensed by the clap on the back John O'Donoghue got in the Dail today from a group of politicians who were afraid to challenge or show disapproval because they're all on the taxpayer gravy train. The only man with guts in the Dail was Eamonn Gilmore who pushed the resignation of this freeloader.Even then, he was apologising for having to make this an issue last week. Brian Cowan is telling us our country is in serious difficulty, as workers we must take the pain, he won't tackle ministerial and governmental reform, and won't be satisfied until he has the country bankrupt. What makes me even more angry are those who either justify what has happened because they won't let the FFs down, or try to justify the scandal. I have no sympathy for John O'Donoghue, he was arrogant enough today to say he did nothing wrong, and I know he leaves this post rewarded financially. It is sickening, but keep up the great work on uncovering these issues. We should start an FOI fund to help the expense!!!!
I completely agree with John (no 11) that spending such as on the govt jet has been known for years but no one bothered to look at the costs. Generally, I think that there is an unbelievable amount of hypocrisy and hysterical self-righteous whinging in this country about the boom & bust as a lot of people got caught up in the property bubble and contributed to it. The developers and banks did not put a gun to the head of people queuing up to buy property. Its embarrassing listening to some people as they just want to blame someone else all the time. Do they ever listen to themselves. It has been commented to me by a few foreigners here as I think that Irish people don't quite realise how much they moan. I am talking generally about the excessive venting on the radio etc. You would not want to be spending too much time listening to the radio or reading the papers in this country if you have any mental health issues as it would push you over the edge.
thank you to those working hard at the Tribune, for exposing the Ceann Comhairle. I hope you have similar success here, and finally rid us of a government minister who has been corrupt by power & greed.
Their arrogance again this week has been disgusting....like in England, they should be forced to replay the money they've stolen...and they have stolen!!.....
Look Mary(16) and John(11) are having a pop at the people moaning in respect of politicians here on this forum.
It's the moaners v the cute hoors- John assumes We were all on the gravy train when the old Tiger was boom boom boom.
Mary is concerned that we've got mental health issues- We may be pushing ourselves over the edge.
I'm wondering if these comments came from Mary H and John O'D themselves...
I'd say to Mary and John that amongst many of the common folk of Ireland- there is much anger over how these Politicians have raped the system with their huge expense accounts...
It's called corruption and the average TAX payer is not happy about it...
You maybe alright jack- You maybe a me feiner- maybe You simply don't know what all the fuss is about...
Most of this WASTE occurred during the BUBBLE, not many gave out about it then, and if the bubble hadn't popped, it would still be going on today, and still nobody would really care. Only when the downturn really hit, the paper ran the headlines and the stories were magnified. You rarely see a headline about someone lying on a trolley today, cause there are better headlines, but the HSE is now an ever bigger mess than ever.
Re: Mary(16)
You are correct the government/bankers/developers did not put a gun to anybody's head and force them to enter the property market. I'm not saying that there was a monopoly or price fixing cartel but there seems to be ample evidence to suggest that all the above entities were involved in various schemes to facilitate the "fleecing" of home buyers. I believe the government had a responsibility to ensure this wouldn't happen - instead they did the opposite.
why would they step down when they are getting away with it. It is our own fault, we put them in and are doing nothing about it. In all fairness folks, what does the cat do when the milk is placed in front of him? Drink it of course and returns looking for more, so dont blame them. We need to look at ourselves and our own passive behaviour.
Paddy, you are the the "Paddy" I mentioned above, loaded with hate and blame. I am in the construction game(small time) and have been for 20 years.I am keeping my head above water at the moment and that is what I am going to focus on for now...listening to the likes of you will not motivate me. But it will depress me. Our problem was the boom went on for too long and people lost sight of what was real. The downturn should have happened 5 years ago and things would not be as bad. There are a lot of positive people out there but we don't voice our positivity or hope too often because we seem to really annoy people like you. Hopefully we will all emerge out of this situation as better people and not end up in a hole as deep again....now put down that shovel Paddy... the only way is up!!
While it is not as simple as and factually incorrect to say we were all riding the gravy train,its fairly clear to see where poor John(construction game,small time,keeping his head above water and feeling unmotivated)is coming from.Really sorry we are depressing you John with our lack of positivity!!
Get a grip,you muppet!
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And we just keep sitting on our couches tutting away and doing nothing about it.
These politicians know that apathy is their greatest protector.