Now is your chance to give Cowen a good beating
Brian Cowen has got a battering from everyone over the last two-and-a-half years but for those still anxious to vent their frustrations, this Piñata – a sort of punchbag made out of papier-mâché that spills its treats after a good bashing (and has become popular at dinner parties, apparently) – was spotted at a market in Dublin's Botanic Gardens last weekend.
Enda Kenny scores at Copperface Jacks
While The Rubberbandits may have got over two million hits with their 'Horse Outside' song, Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny could be the latest YouTube sensation as he features in a satirical online ad for Dublin nightclub Copperface Jacks.
Interviewed by "Charlie Bird from FHM magazine", Kenny is asked which state assets he would sell off as taoiseach. A dubbed video shows Kenny reply that he would "sell Newgrange to the Germans".
"I would even sell my own body, because I know the French are interested." But "we have national treasures we must protect such as Copperface Jacks which is vital for young people and old people to get their shift seven nights a week and I think it is far more important than the Tara Brooch or the Ardagh Chalice, especially around the Christmas time."
Gimme 10 on the deck now, Minister Deenihan
Jimmy Deenihan, the multiple All Ireland winner with Kerry was a PE teacher before he entered politics and has always maintained his passion for sport. Deenihan could also be the next minister for sport and secondary school students should take note.
Deenihan was the author of a report which was compiled by the Oireachtas committee on Justice, Defence and Women's Rights and launched last week. The report looked into how the Defence Forces could play a key role in promoting PE in schools. It pointed out that the military have developed PE programmes for schools in other countries. So army boot camps for schools could be on the cards in future…
NUI Maynooth academic Dr Adrian Kavanagh has compiled a constituency level analysis of last week's Irish Times/Ipsos-MRBI poll. The results of the poll were: Fianna Fáil 17% (-7), Fine Gael 30 (+6), Labour 25 (-8), Greens 2 (n/c), Sinn Féin 15 (+7), others 11 (+2). On the basis of the poll, he has estimated Dáil seats breakdown will be: FF 26, FG 58, Labour 46, Greens 0, Sinn Féin 18, others 18 (including 6 United Left Alliance/4 other left-wing candidates).