GARDAÍ have begun a murder investigation after a man was found dead following a brutal assault.

His body was found at the side of the road at Charlesland, on the outskirts of Greystones, Co Wicklow, just before midnight on Friday.

The scene of the crime was preserved yesterday for a technical examination and the road was closed with diversions put in place.

Deputy state pathologist Michael Curtis carried out a post-mortem following a visit to the scene yesterday morning.

Gardaí sealed off three areas as they tried to piece together the final moments of the dead man, who was understood to have been aged 22.

Detectives believe there was a house party in a nearby estate, and a scuffle that broke out there turned violent.

The dead man was then followed on to a green area near the house and was again attacked. Witnesses reported seeing two men fighting.

The victim made it as far as the roadway before he collapsed and died a short time later.

One detective said: "We have three crime scenes: the house where this apparent row originally broke out, the area where the fight took place and the location where the body was found."

Gardaí said the victim had extensive head wounds when he was found lying on the busy Farrankelly Road, which links the N11 and Greystones village.

A house at nearby Farrankelly Close and an overgrown grassy area just a few hundred yards from the scene were both sealed off yesterday.

It is believed the victim may have been from the locality but gardaí were not disclosing details of his identity yesterday.

"We are investigating all of the circumstances relating to the incident on the Farrankelly Road," a garda spokeswoman said.

Gardaí at Bray were appealing for witnesses or anybody who may have seen anything suspicious in the vicinity to contact them.