GARDAÍ at Donnybrook will receive results of toxicology tests being carried out to help determine how broadcaster Gerry Ryan died within the next few days.

The GP who was called to the broadcaster's home after his sudden death did not sign the death cert as the cause of death could not immediately be determined. But all the indications were that the broadcaster's death was caused by a sudden cardiac arrest. Because the death cert with the cause of the death was not issued, the procedure is that a full post mortem and a toxicology screening must be carried out.

The preliminary medical results will be presented to gardaí at Donnybrook in a medical report.

This report will then form part of a garda file, which is being prepared by officers for a coroner's inquest. The inquest is not expected to be held for at least a year. The file will also outline the garda inquiries into the circumstances surrounding Ryan's death. It will also include statements from investigating gardaí and from those who were first at the scene when his body was discovered by his bed in his apartment on Upper Leeson Street, Dublin.