As an avid radio fan, I was appalled to read the comments of RTé radio's head, Claire Duignan, in your article 'Radio Gaga' (T2, 2 May). She was quoted as saying that "listeners want good presenters, vibrant personalities, insightful observers and strong interviewers... I'm not interested in achieving gender balance for the sake of it; I'm interested in good radio."

Surely the head of RTé radio should be interested in more than just good radio. She is running the airwaves of our national broadcaster, not some commercial station that can do as it pleases as long as it gets the ratings. Our money pays the salaries of the staff in RTé and in return, we expect to be represented. What we get instead is radio served up to us primarily through the prism of middle-class Dublin men.

She is right to say as a listener we want good presenters. I don't necessarily get it from RTé Radio One, however. These presenters emerged during a time when RTé radio had no competition, and the salaries paid, and status afforded, to the likes of Ryan Tubridy, Pat Kenny, Derek Mooney and Joe Duffy are completely out of kilter with their talents.

Greg Dyke, the former director general of the BBC, bravely said that the BBC was "hideously white". It is both shameful and deeply worrying that the head of RTé radio doesn't wake up and admit that the stations she leads are hideously male.

Sophie Franklin,
