The Law Society is investigating Limerick solicitor John Devane for allegedly passing on inappropriate information to a client involved in crime and gardaí have completed a separate probe into these claims.

Gardaí sent a file to the DPP in relation to the solicitor. He is accused of sending texts messages on behalf of a well-known criminal who was in custody to a member of his family also involved in criminality. The Law Society is separately investigating the allegation.

The DPP recommended in the past few weeks that no charges be brought against Devane. The investigation remains open at Henry Street garda station in Limerick. It is understood Devane is aware of the garda probe.

The Law Society has now contacted gardaí about the case, as revealed in the Sunday Tribune last weekend. If Devane is found guilty of professional misconduct, he can be struck off the roll of solicitors by the Law Society.

Limerick state solicitor Michael Murray passed information about Devane's alleg­ed misconduct on request from the Law Society.

Last weekend, the Law Society confirmed it was investigating Murray's allegation but could not comment on the identity of the solicitor.

"The specifics of his complaint are being investigated. Murray has named one solicitor and this solicitor is now under investigation," the Law Society's director general, Ken Murphy, said last weekend.

"We will act appropriately depending on the outcome of our investigation. The society is also seeking confirmation of whether or not what Murray has complained about is the subject of a garda investigation. We must give due process to this investigation. The solicitor will be given due response. We do not want in any way to pre-judge the complaint."

A senior garda source confirmed an investigation was launched into allegations about Devane several months ago. While the DPP has recommended no charges be brought, the investigation remains open.

Devane declined to comment when contacted.