Welcome to the stormy twilight of a flamenco-inspired drama, a frantically woozy battle between David Lynch and Tarantino, a choreographed mass brawl encompassing Nick Cave and Piaf, Hendrix and Harvey. This twentysomething electric guitarist and remarkably soulful singer sets 2011 on fire with her debut co-produced by Rob Ellis. While Maria Callas and Debussy have both been cited as atmospheric peers, perhaps the most obvious reference point is Jeff Buckley. Calvi and Buckley have much in common, their guitar lines overtaking merely notes from strings to create something deeply affecting. Opening with the guitar instrumental 'Rider To The Sea', we are plunged into Calvi's dusty world. The epic battle cry of 'Desire' raises a further curtain as seduction and lust descend into a profoundly sexual maelstrom as Calvi chants about "the devil that's calling as I come undone". Lucifer calls again on 'The Devil' which precedes the galloping beat of 'Blackout'. Calvi creates wonderful contradictions; power and delicateness, space alongside complete envelopment in this brilliant melodrama of an album.