Jon Peters, pictured with his wife Mindy, got $875,000 for his memoirs

There was disbelief in Hollywood last month when it was reported that the normally astute publishing house HarperCollins had paid a recession-busting $875,000 (€626,000) for the memoirs of one Jon Peters, the 63-year-old former head of Sony Pictures.

Sure, Peters boasts a certain notoriety, enhanced by his string of colourful ex-girlfriends, including Barbra Streisand, Kim Basinger, Nicolette Sheridan, Pamela Anderson, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Sharon Stone. But their dirty linen did not look like a bargain at almost a million dollars.

But on Friday, Hollywood learnt differently. One of the town's most prominent bloggers leaked a copy of the book proposal that Peters had sent to publishers. And it makes for extraordinary reading.

"This will be the most revealing Hollywood gossip book since You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again," it promises. "For example, not one, but two, of Jon's girlfriends called him from Washington on two separate occasions, whispering the breathless news 'I just f**ked the president'."

But that is just the tip of a revelatory iceberg, which will not be fully exposed until the book, Studio Head, hits the shelves early next year.

Peters, an illiterate and somewhat seedy former celebrity hairdresser, promises to describe how he escaped a Los Angeles childhood that was "pure Oliver Twist with palm trees" to become one of the town's most powerful men.

He promises to explain how he stumbled into movie production as the longstanding lover and "gatekeeper" to Barbra Streisand during the 1970s, before networking his way up the greasy pole of showbusiness, becoming "a Hollywood legend for seduction as much as production".

The book proposal claims Peters seduced Streisand while cutting her hair. "He found Barbra totally hot," it reads. "He loved her body, particularly her heretofore concealed legs and derrière, and he was overtly provocative in telling her so."

In between recalling how he produced a string of hit films during the 1980s and 1990s, including Caddyshack, Batman, Rainman and Wild Wild West, Peters will also invade the privacy of such Hollywood royalty as Sharon Stone, who he describes as "a cyclone sexually, but a black hole where need was concerned". Catherine Zeta Jones, "hot out of Wales", could have become the fifth of his wives, had it not been for her proletarian background. "Jon adored Catherine Zeta, as he called her," reads the proposal. "He was planning to marry her, until her entire family flew in en masse to meet him, and he got cold feet."

None of those name-checked in the book proposal have so far accused him of fabricating any of its contents. Instead, armchair pundits have been wildly speculating about the identity of the adulterous president and Hollywood starlets that Peters will claim he seduced.