Dr Sobhrang with Andrea Corr

Dr Soraya Rahim Sobh­rang from Afghanistan this weekend received the 2010 Front Line Award for Human Rights Defenders At Risk. The award was presented by Andrea Corr, at a prestigious ceremony in Dublin's City Hall attended by diplomats, political and business leaders and the media.

Sobhrang is the Commissioner responsible for Women's Rights at the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission.

In accepting the Award Sobhrang said "This Front Line Award is a tribute not just to me but to all the women of Afghanistan, and in particular those women human rights defenders who on a daily basis face the risk of attack or assassination to defend the rights of other women".

Speaking during the award presentation Andrea Corr paid tribute to the work of Sobhrang saying, "she is a living example of how one person can make a difference and offer hope to many."

"Dr Soraya Sobhrang has shown exceptional courage in standing up for the rights of women - facing down those who would seek to reimpose an oppressive system - and dealing with the constant threats to her life."