Information collated by the National Purchase Treatment Fund reveals that there are now 951 people waiting more than three months for a colonoscopy in this state, an increase of 229 from September 2009.

There is no excuse for people waiting months for a procedure such as a colonoscopy that could save their lives and which should happen within weeks of referral. Mary Harney herself told the HSE she wanted all people awaiting colonoscopies to be seen within one month.

It is a matter of deliberate political decisions being taken by this administration which has repeatedly shown that it cares little whether working-class people suffer unnecessarily or even die unnecessarily.

Given the choice between creating and funding a first-class health service or bailing out the banks, this government has chosen to bail out the banks. If people die as a result of their decisions they are viewed as merely 'collateral damage' in its ideological quest for profit and in order to maintain the lavish and extravagant lifestyles of the wealthy political and business elite.

Gerry Casey,

Éirígí Sligeach,

Rosewood Court,

