Ronan and Yvonne Keating

This is the first self-replicating species on the planet whose parent is a computer

Genome pioneer Craig Venter announces to the world the creation of the first artificial life form

The people most disenfranchised by moving major sporting events to pay TV are the poorer sections of society, the elderly, rural dwellers and children

Communications Minister Eamon Ryan defends his controversial plan to secure free-to-air coverage of key rugby matches

It is absolutely cracked. There is nothing broken; there is nothing that needs fixing

Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) chief Philip Browne on Minister Ryan's plans

We are so relieved and so happy to announce that our little fighters are coming home. All the prayers were answered and we thank God that it's all six of us returning

Angie and Azzedine Benhaffaf, the parents of conjoined Irish twins Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf who were allowed to return home last Friday

It's not a question of revenge; it's a question of taking responsibility. We can't have change in the church here until everyone in the top realises how actions of the past decimated so many lives

Clerical abuse survivor Marie Collins reacts to the decision of Cardinal Sean Brady not to resign as head of the Catholic church in Ireland over his handling of abuse claims

From what I've read the outcome could have been a lot worse

Fianna Fáil councillor Cathal Crowe on Clare publican Gerard Mulconry who was released by police in Sierra Leone after being kidnapped by an armed group

He wanted a proper home. They just threw him around from place to place. He wanted help but they wouldn't give him as much as he needed

Catriona McAnaspie, the sister of Daniel McAnaspie, criticises the HSE for failing to provide adequate care after her brother was found dead in a ditch

We will be doing everything in our power to make sure we can minimise the effects of the job losses, try to put pressure on the government. It is very important that this Government steps up to the plate now

SIPTU's Alan O'Leary reacts to the announcement by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer that it is to dispose of three Irish production facilities

With great sadness Ronan and Yvonne Keating today announce their separation

The formal statement released last week announcing the celebrity couple's decision to part ways