Economic soothsayers may believe that 'nobody was at home' in the Central Bank for the last few years but the lights were certainly on if its bill for 2009 is anything to go by.

The heat, light and fuel bill for the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland was €1,127,000, according to just released figures – more than €20,000 a week. This is almost three times the €432,000 bill for the Department of Finance and almost six times the €190,000 bill for the Ntma and Nama, all of which, we were told, were working through the night to resolve the country's financial and banking crisis.

The heat, light and fuel bill for the Revenue Commissioners is the highest of all at €4.1m, but Revenue employs 6,000 staff and has an office in almost every town.

The Central Bank's maintenance and repairs bill for 2009 at close to €6m also dwarfs other maintenance bills. The Department of Finance's bill last year was €330,000 while Ntma's was a mere €44,031, although it is housed in the newly built Treasury Building and has little need for maintenance.

Revenue's maintenance bill is €5.1m but that covers its large number of buildings and offices. Yet this is still smaller than the Central Bank's bill.