GARDAí have been contacted in relation to a recorded phone message from a Dublin City councillor requesting that a senior member of staff assist in securing homeless social housing for a "friend".

The message, which appears to be from an elected representative, detailed the person's financial situation and said he believed he could be "looked after".

It is the latest development in ongoing internal concerns over procedures used in granting social housing to people outside of set criteria. Dublin City Council declined to comment when contacted in relation to the recording.

It is understood it was circulated to key people within the council by a member of staff concerned at the nature of the approach.

Senior management was later made aware of the recording and it is believed it was brought to the attention of gardaí in relation to a possible illegal phone tap.

In the message, the councillor is heard to say: "I just want to ask you something. I have a friend [and] he's making a new application.

"He's a single guy with access to a child. He had a business a year ago that went belly up and everything went wrong.

"He's in private accommodation paying €800 a month and that's all gone. He's now on supplementary welfare payments from the health board. But [official's name] was saying that they have 20 units coming in, five for de-tenanting… and 15 for homeless persons.

"He said if you ran yer man through as homeless that they'd look after him. Just wondering if you can give me any information on what the procedure would be."

The nature of the query is not necessarily in breach of any regulations while representations for housing on behalf of people in difficulties is common.

But internal sources said there were ongoing concerns as to the methods employed to secure social housing for constituents.

Some staff members believe people may be prioritised or given favourable treatment ahead of others waiting on a housing list or that housing could be granted to people who simply do not qualify.

Dublin City Council declined to say whether the content of the tape was of concern or whether it had been handed to gardaí by management.

A source claimed it had been handed over to authorities in relation to the illegal recording of a phone.

Its emergence follows revelations in the Sunday Tribune that an internal investigation was carried out in respect of a number of inappropriate housing allocations regarding people on medical priority lists who had no qualifying medical conditions.

However, a number of sources have come forward claiming that such allocations are common across a number of housing categories, a subject that sparked heated debate in the chamber among elected officials who dismissed any suggestion of inappropriate allocations on the part of council staff.

Meanwhile, at a strategic policy meeting last month, a motion was put forward with regard to the introduction of set guidelines and procedures for any elected representative wishing to make representations for social housing. It is yet to be debated.