Thailand gives many tanks for its rich marine life
This may look like reckless dumping, but it is in fact an environmental effort by Thai officials to increase fish stocks in the Gulf of Thailand. Twenty five T-69 decommissioned Thai army tanks are being plunged into the sea near the southern Narathiwat province to create artificial corals in the hope that it will cause a boost in marine life in the area. The initiative is part of a marine conservation policy to allow the ecosystem in the area to recover after years of overfishing.
Speedy Swedish driver gets himself into a fine mess
A Swedish man netted the world's biggest ever speeding fine last week after being clocked going 180mph in a 70mph zone. Because Swedish laws take a driver's salary and speed into account, the driver now faces a €790,245 fine.
Britain's boom in name-changing is dog gone
After a spate of bizarre name-changing in the UK, a judge has finally said no. Gary Matthews (44) went to court to change his name to Boomer The Dog, which was rejected on the basis that it would cause "confusion", which didn't stop a woman changing her name to 'I Hate Thomas Cook'.
Be careful chrossing the road
Road workers clearly weren't thinking properly when they painted this warning in North Carolina.